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My 18 BIRTHDAY :D:D 1 more big step down my life
Filling blanks!

Today is my BIRTHDAY . I m now 18 :D:D. Legal age to smoke,buy lottery, go clubs and buy alcohol but i still refuse to do so.

Went to school for Game Design workshop lesson. But faci for the day is not jeremy but shaun. It is still a fun filled lesson and day with shaun. Parts of the lesson got a bit tense in mood.

Then after class went to CWP with victor,eddy,shihui,terence yap,pei ling,hansen,braynard,angie and yi wei. It was raining heavily at that time, eddy drove me,yi wei and the girls from RP to CWP. 6 ppl sqeeuze in a small small car . very interesting experience. Somemore everytime we reach the hump in the carpark, the ppl behind will get hit.

Then we decided not to go watch movie and go eat. Walk walk here and walk walk there, finally decided to go eat at pastamania. It was the second time i ate pastamania. i ordered tomato based meatball spagetti with combo C. Tasted quite good and really make me quite full.

Then after that we went to walk here and there taking pictures. Starting from the pastamania, to arcade then to carpark. The all good good photography from Ang Shi Hui :D. They decided take blueprint at the arcade with 10 ppl sqeezing and fighting over the small small screen. Damn funny scene lor. Lastly they bought me a small kitkat birthday log cake from polar cakes and a BIG lighter to light up a candle to sing me a birthday song:D. Thats about it.

Just came back after meeting my friends for a shortwhile after CWP and did rj.
Then i found out my mum also bought the same small kitkat birthday log cake from polar cakes for me to eat. But i was damn full so we kind of just put the candle and sing the birthday song then put the cake back into the fridge.

A happy Day indeed. In memories of what life could had been with or without me.

Ending off with a Piu Piu :) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME , JOAN AND JAMES !!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010 ' 11:41 PM

8 days to the start of another new semester
Filling blanks!

RP Year 2 Semester 2 for me starts on October 12 2010. The UT3 results, GPA and class allocation is still not out. Its been holidaying for so long that i dun remember actually when my holiday started. Time really fly past fast, it feels like yesterday was my 1st day of school in RP even though i ate the western food of E1 block for more than 50 times i think.

A team's MehHam Sheep Game is now done!

We took about 1 month plus to do it out. Enjoy!

Download it: http://gamejolt.com/freeware/games/arcade/sheep-mayhem/3600/

I did another game during this period of time on my own!

I called it Angel Wish. Try it! its my 1st game i did alone.

Download it: http://gamejolt.com/freeware/games/shooter/angel-wish-by-kitkac/3592/

Give me your views of my game on my TagBox.

Do remember to click my advertisement :D thank you very much.

Monday, October 4, 2010 ' 9:03 PM

Holydays of Sheeps
Filling blanks!

Its been 2 weeks since the End of class of RP Year 2 Semester 1. More and more time and effort is throw into our team project. I was assign as the producer and working for the audio part of the team. This being a one month project is getting more and more intense and separated.

Past 2 weeks. GameStudio 3D Workshop for 2 days

Game Maker 8.0 Workshop for 2 days

A-team Intense Game Design for 4 Days

Having a team to start to try to design game and learn things before even our DGD semester officially starts next semester. Decided not to continue and finish the previous post due to laziness.

Plz help me click on the advertisement Thank You Very Much :D

Monday, August 30, 2010 ' 2:12 PM

The Beginning of an End
Filling blanks!

Today last day of class for Year 2 Sem 1. Sooo as usual i think the good should stay and the bad memory should be shoo off. For that particular person , life still goes on, regardless of how bad is a class.

Took 5 modules this semester, but only going to evalute 5 facis .

Art of Story
Module Code:T202
Class Location:E35P
Zane and Beng Ghee also attend AoS with my class.
This module is done by Edward wong my PC so he kind of the faci that always needs to maintain at the most calm status so that he do not upset or enrage students. He tend to make the lesson harder than the actual problem given in the day. This is good and bad depending on whether you like to have limitations. He is able to always relate the class to my game design course during class so that we would understand why we are learning certain things. He is also my Programme Chair a.k.a the 'principal' of my diploma.

Anthropology Studies
Module Code:T241
Class Location:E35P
DeDe also attends with my class
This module is the most complicated and also the simplest module out of the 5 module this semester. Kind of like cognitive at times and kind of the practical studies at another time. My anthro faci is Chong Li Chuan, a faci that seems to be able to do know-it-all but have a habit of not telling answers directly and making students crack their brain to squeeze all the knowledge out. He is always ending class at 4pm exactly regardless of number of teams . He even been my relief faci for ID for 1 problem. The faci that have quite a lot of dislike from students at times.

History of the Arts (HotA)
Module Code:T207
Class Location E35P
This module is the module that seems to be what students dun like. ARTSSSS. Somemore its History!!! The lesson also starts the earliest which is 8am. The good thing is that the class ends at 12noon which is pretty good and early. The term 'HotA' is a unique term made cause of a game. The faci for this module is mostly Julia Sims, quite a young lady. She seems to always need to buffer like youtube when teaching in class during 1st meeting. Other faci that came for my class before are Delia and Mark Papaya. They only came class once so i dun hav much to say but rather Mark Papaya is able to have a more interesting class with its unique style of teaching.

Drawing (No colouring)
Module Code:T274
Class Location:E33P
Faizul is in this class
This module is the special module that have its own drawing studio at level 3. It teaches us how to draw draw draw. Getting to know what is proportion and composition. This helps me to understand how my game can have better composition by putting certain things in front, behind or in the middle. Most people like this module because its starts at 12noon. Some people in my class are super good artist that 'faci standard'.

there is 2 other modules, i m going to do it later at night, class is starting now

Friday, August 13, 2010 ' 8:44 AM

'MOVING' closer to UT
Filling blanks!

Next week would be the start of all the UT2. UT is a RP term kind of like SA1. Before even the UT started , we need to already start preparing stuffs to pass up during UT beforehand. Many complained as we are only given 5 days to prepare.
The theme is 'MOVING' which makes it harder for me to imagine what to draw. This UT is for my drawing module.

DGDs please join the Game Design IG coming soon. Edward hopes everyone in DGD to join and have the passion in making games.

Please kindly help me click on the advertisement above, tyvm.

Friday, July 2, 2010 ' 11:32 AM

Field Tripssss
Filling blanks!

Last last week my class E33P went to a field trip to CBD to draw there and learn the drawing of architecture. Reaching there as it rained like water fall . Even our Lam Fong facilitator's hair got totally wet and disappeared after we arrived at the place to go la-kopi. Left us wet and cold under the shelter. Drawing some building as we can see a bit from the shelter to submit to faci, then the rain starts to stop and went burger king eat mushroom doubles. Walk walk walk some more then draw a weird UFO on top of a building then go home liao with MRT.

2morrow would be going to pe-ra-na-kan museum for my History of the Arts Module. Need take picture of stuffs in that place then remember the name of the items there. Then write a assement about 3 art in that museum and 800+ words at the end of the day.

This thursday would be going to Asian Civilisation museum for Art of Story module.
Hopefully would get a nice time there instead of lots of old grandma story from the lesson and then give me a nice grade.

Next monday of my interaction design also same field trip however this time to the fusionpolis which is at buona vista. Going there for 1st hour of anthropology and then do a design for interaction design. Hopes from E35P all people would like to have ALVIN BACK~! Past 3 weeks all not him.... Many ppl miss him.....

Monday, June 28, 2010 ' 6:40 PM

Meeting virtual life in real life
Filling blanks!

Many should had seen this before, you met someone you don't know on the internet then they might ask you to meet up outside in real life. Most would not go attend because who knows who they are especially girls. Had been mapling , dotaing , WoWing a bit.
Found out something weird about these 3 games.

Some maplers hate dota and WoW. Some Dotaer hate maple and WoW. Some WoWers hate dota and maple. Overall they dun really like each other but i m playing all 3. I would try to update on my currently status on these 3 games soon if i free or feel like doing it.

Sometimes helping becomes Harrassing....

Plz kindly help me click de nuffnang advertisement ~ Thank you for much ~

Sunday, June 20, 2010 ' 11:13 PM


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Name:Ma Kian Wei Kac
Hobby: Mapling , Dotaing ,Slacking


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-A good slacker job
-After all these then maybe a GF

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Cousin Jerlyn
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Ying Yi

Terence Yap

Pei Shi


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